Brilliant Red with Yellow Roses are flanked by Clear and Blue glass jewels and Violet/Mauve flowers; which are surrounded by Green and Jade leaves. Honey colored loops; linked by Blue jewels on Blue/Green Rippled glass; feature Bone Beige with Amber bell shaped flowers that are crowned with stylized fleurs in Amber; Red and Blue/Purple. The background features Honey Beige with streaks of Blue Ripple glass. The graceful base is finished in a warm Mahogany Bronze and supports the unique art glass shade; which is created with Meyda Tiffany?s famous copperfoil construction process.
Tiffany Table Lamp 25″ Tall ITEM # 138121
Original price was: $867.00.$520.20Current price is: $520.20.
Item Number:138121
Height: 25
Width: 16
Length: 16
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